@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006445, author = {土谷, 邦彦 and 二村, 嘉明 and 長尾, 美春 and 藤田, 淳哉 and 河村, 弘}, journal = {富山大学水素同位体機能研究センター研究報告}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, To develop a tritium breeding blanket for a fusion reactor, irradiation tests in fission reactors must be conducted to obtain data on tritium production / release / recovery performance of the blanket. In-situ various irradiation tests have been carried out in Japan (JMTR) and Europe (HFR) to investigate tritium release characteristics from ultra-small Li2TiO3 pebble (1 mm dia) bed. Tritium performance irradiation tests presently focus on Li2TiO3 ceramic considered promising as a new strong candidate for breeding material. This report shown the present status if in-situ irradiation tests carried out throughout the world. An in-situ irradiation test program on tritium release for partial breeding blanket module is presented., Article}, pages = {19--31}, title = {核融合炉増殖ブランケット炉内照射試験の現状}, volume = {18}, year = {1998} }