@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005314, author = {Yamada, Tomohiro and Tahara, Eiichi and Nagai, Hiroichi and Terasawa, Katsutoshi and Tani, Tadato and Nunome, Shinyu and Saiki, Ikuo}, issue = {1}, journal = {和漢医薬学雑誌 = Journal of traditional medicines}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Previous studies have reported that the mice passively sensitized with anti-DNP IgE antibody exhibited IgE-mediated biphasic cutaneous reaction with an immediate phase response (IPR) at 1 h and a late phase response (LPR) at 24 h after the challenge of DNFB (dinitrofluorobenzene) . We recently found that the third phase inflammatory response with intense and persisting infiltration of eosinophils, named very late phase response (vLPR) , was induced following IPR and LPR in response to DNFB in passively sensitized mice, and that the peak response of vLPR was on the 8^ day after the challenge. The inhibitory effect of Kampo medicines on the triphasic cutaneous inflammatory reaction was divided into several groups in terms of their inhibition rate of ear swelling. Among the formulations, Tokaku-joki-to (Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang) was effective at inhibiting IPR, LPR and vLPR ( +/+/+ group) and scratching behavior in IPR. The Inhibitory effect of Tokaku-joki-to on triphasic cutaneous reaction primarily depends on its composed crude drugs, Glycyrrhizae Radix and Cinnamomi Cortex. These findings indicate that Tokaku-joki-to formulation is usefull for the inhibition of cutaneous inflammatory diseases. 抗DNP IgE抗体で受動感作したマウスの耳介にDNFB(ジニトロフルオロベンゼン)を塗布することにより,1時問およぴ24時間目をピークとする即時相反応(IPR)およぴ遅発相反応(LPR)からなるIgE介在二相性皮膚反応を示すことがすでに知られている。我々は最近,この受動感作マウスにおいてDNFBによる反応惹起後にIPR,LPRに続く,三相目の強い炎症性反応を見出し,超遅発相反応(vLPR)と名付けた。これは抗原塗布から8日目をピークとする,著明かつ持続的な好酸球の浸潤を伴う腫脹反応である。種々の漢方方剤を用いて,この三相性皮膚反応に対する抑制効果を検討した結果,各相の耳介腫脹の抑制率に基づき,いくつかのグループに分類された。検討した方剤中,桃核承気湯はIPR,LPR,vLPRの三相反応に対して抑制を示し(+/+/+群),さらにIPRで観察される耳介の掻き行動(痒みの指標と考えられる)を抑制した。桃核承気湯の三相性皮膚反応に対する抑制効果の発現は,主として構成生薬である甘草およぴ桂皮に基づくことが示唆された。これらの知見から,漢方方剤:桃核承気湯が炎症性皮膚疾患に有効であることが示された。, Article}, pages = {17--25}, title = {Effect of some Kampo medicines, including Tokaku-joki-to (Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang), on IgE-mediated triphasic skin reaction in passively sensitized mice}, volume = {17}, year = {2000} }