@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005293, author = {Yokozawa, Takako and RHYU, DongYoung and Owada, Shigeru}, issue = {4}, journal = {和漢医薬学雑誌 = Journal of traditional medicines}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, We analyzed the free radical reaction in the body in vivo under the conditions of renal failure, using an L-band electron spin resonance apparatus. In rats with adenine-induced renal failure, the attenuation velocity of 3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl was lowered in comparison with normal rats, indicating that they were in a state of augmented oxidation. In contrast, the attenuation velocity was higher in rats given Wen-Pi-Tang, showing a shift toward reduction. In the kidney of rats given Wen-Pi-Tang, we also found that a significant decrease in glutathione disulfide (GSSG) level caused an increase in the glutathione/GSSG ratio. In addition, there were significant reductions of increased thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance level and decreased superoxide dismutase and increased glutathione peroxidase activities, suggesting a decreased hydrogen peroxide production, which presumably drove the glutathione redox cycle toward reduction. The results of the present study suggest the possibility that Wen-Pi-Tang exerts an antioxidant effect through regulation of the redox cycle. L-バンドESR(生体計測用ESR)装置を用い,腎不全における生体内フリーラジカル反応を解析した。アデニン誘発腎不全ラット腎では,正常ラットより3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxylの減衰速度が遅延し,酸化亢進状態にあった。これに対し,温脾湯投与群では減衰速度が速やかとなり,還元方向に変換していた。一方,温脾湯投与群の腎臓では増加したグルタチオンジスルフィドレベルの有意な低下からグルタチオン/グルタチオンジスルフィド比の上昇が認められ,また増加したチオバルビツール酸反応物質レベル,低下したスーパーオキシドジスムターゼと上昇したグルタチオンレダクターゼ活性の有意な低下から,過酸化水素の産生低下が示唆され,グルタチオン酸化還元サイクルを還元方向に作動しているものと考えられた。以上より,温脾湯は酸化還元サイクル調節を介して抗酸化作用を発揮する可能性が示唆された。, Article}, pages = {147--153}, title = {Increase of radical in rats with adenine-induced renal failure is suppressed by Wen-Pi-Tang}, volume = {18}, year = {2001} }