@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003509, author = {池田, 正男}, issue = {1/2}, journal = {富山大学工学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {In order to introduce Isurugi sand in Hokuriku district of Japan, the author have already reported the results of the measurements made on its permeability, strength, density and stability of the green sand. In the present experiment, the compressive strength, shapes of sand grains, grain distribution and properties at high temperatures of the same sand have been observed with following results:-- 1) The chemical analysis shows that the sand consists of comparatively much clay and less silicic matter. 2) The sand grains are of rather sub-angular form, mixed with rounded, angular and sub-crystalline ones. 3) The desirable amount of the moisture in the sand is 9% for obtaining high compressive strength. 4) The stability decreases with temperature, the initial hardness being nearly lost at about 400--500℃. 5) The expansion due to heating the sand increases with the moisture and the iron, Aluminum oxides existing. 6) The sintering temperature of the sand is rather low, that is 945℃, but this may be elevated by adding carbon powder., 「本邦及び満鮮地方に産出する主要鋳物砂原料」なる論文に於いて,武智氏は各種の鋳物砂について広範囲に亘って報告しているが,本県産の石動砂についてはふれていない。手近な所で鋳物砂を安価且容易に入手する事が出来れば,製品価格に及ぼす影響は甚大であり,北陸産の砂就中本砂を紹介する意味で,高岡市商工課の提案によって,その研究に着手し,湿態に於ける安定度,通気度,比重,抵抗力等について測定し,通気度その他の性質は名古屋砂,大阪砂に比して劣るが,安定度,通気度の最良になるのは水分8%附近,抗折力の最大となるのは9%附近である事等について指摘した。これらと併せて耐圧強度と水分,硬度の関係及び高温度に於ける二三の性質を測定し,石動砂に関する性状を明かにせんとした。その結果について報告する。, Article, 富山大学工学部紀要, 4(1/2), Page 74-78}, pages = {74--78}, title = {石動砂の性状について : 附高温度に於けるニ三の性質}, volume = {4}, year = {1953} }