@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003481, author = {養田, 実}, issue = {1}, journal = {富山大学工学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {The author repeated the study on the regenerated pig iron, using the same furnace reported in the previous investigation (Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, Toyama University; Vol. 1, No. 1, 1949.) The present investigation was carried out to see effect of the bed coke and of the coke ratio on the carbon content in the pig iron obtained, so as to determine the minimum limit of the bad coke and of the coke ratio. From the chemical analysis and the microscopic examination of the products, the author reached the following conclusions, namely, the propriety height of the bed coke is about 1,500mm and the coke ratio is desirable to be over than 60%, even in the case that the level of the bed coke is sufficiently high., 実験に使用した炉は前回の報告【註:富山大学工学部紀要第1巻第1号】の際に示したものと大体同様であってその構造の大要を示せば次の通りである。即ち羽口面炉内径1,250mm有効高さ3,250mm羽口比64.8。尚操業は約17時間の連続操業であって,操業中の風量,風圧及び熱風温度の値は夫々約55㎥/min 800mm水住及び400℃程度である。装入原料は略前回と同様なブリキ屑,鉄鉱屑及び旋盤屑などであって此等の原料を使用して初込コークスの高さ及びコ-クス比などを若干変化して実験を行った場合の製品銑鉄の成分分析値,顕微鏡組織並びに機械的性質などの関係を茲に報告する。, Article, 富山大学工学部紀要,3(1),1951-12, Page 67-75}, pages = {67--75}, title = {再生銑鉄の研究 : 特に操業法と顕微鏡組織に就て}, volume = {3}, year = {1951} }