@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002787, author = {成瀬, 早苗 and 上野, 栄一}, issue = {1}, journal = {富山大学看護学会誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {本研究は,看護学生の自己健康管理モニタリング測定尺度を使用し,背景別に比較し教育的示唆を得ることを目的とした.対象は看護学生1,056名.「就学態度の自律性」,「対人関係の健全性」,「思考の健全性」,「食生活の健全性」,「対処行動能力」,「身体変調の注意力」,「予防行動力」の7つの下位概念からなる30項目の質問紙調査表を使用した.結果,「性別」,「年齢」,「学年」,「学校種別」,「家族との同居の有無」,「アルバイトの有無」,「平均睡眠時間」,「運動習慣」,「健康への気づかいの程度」に特徴的な有意差が認められた.自己健康管理できていない看護学生に対し,健康管理できるように,まず自分の状況・状態を捉えられているかを知ること,すなわちモニタリングできることが自己健康管理する上で必要であり,本研究は,対象の背景や生活状況と自己モニタリングとの関係を明らかにした.今後,自己健康管理指導時の教育的資料となる. This study aimed to use a personal health management monitoring measurement scale of nursing students to identify personal characteristics related to future health education needs. A questionnaire was provided to a sample of 1,056 nursing students. The questionnaire comprised 30 items with seven sub-scales designed to evaluate a given nursing student’s health attitudes and behaviors. The sub-scales were: “Autonomy of at titude learning,” “Soundness of interpersonal relations,” “Soundness of thinking,” “Soundness of the eating habits,” “Coping ability,” “Attentiveness of the body abnormal conditions,” and “Preventive behavior consciousness.” Significant differences were identified in specific characteristics, including sex, age, grade, school type, living situation, part-time job, sleep time, exercise habits, and the degree of concern for health. The results identified that it was necessary to recognize and monitor personal health conditions, and identified the relationship between personal characteristics, background, and attitudes with selfmonitoring behaviors. These findings also indicate the need for educational materials to provide guidance regarding nursing student's self-health management., Article, 富山大学看護学会誌, 第14巻1号, 2014.06., page 81-90}, pages = {81--90}, title = {背景別にみた看護学生の自己健康管理モニタリングの比較}, volume = {14}, year = {2014} }