@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002785, author = {笹野, 京子 and 齊藤, 佳余子 and 二川, 香里 and 松井, 弘美 and 長谷川, ともみ}, issue = {1}, journal = {富山大学看護学会誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究は,フリースタイル分娩を施設で促進するためにその教育プログラムを評価することを目的とした.教育プログラムに参加した助産師23人を対象とし,その前後に自記式質問紙調査を実施した.調査内容はフリースタイル分娩の経験の有無,フリースタイル分娩の促進が困難な理由,教育プログラム前後の知識・スキル・信念などの26項目とした.対象助産師は,平均年齢32.0±7.5歳,平均経験年数5.9±4.8年であり,フリースタイル分娩介助の経験者8 人(34.8%),未経験者15人(65.2%)であった.経験群で促進が困難と感じる理由は「技術が不十分」,未経験群では「設備や環境,人的な問題」であった.教育プログラムの効果については知識,スキル,信念は体験前後に有意な向上または改善がみられ,その効果が確認できた. We evaluated the introduction and promotion of a freestyle delivery care program. Twenty-three midwives participated in the educational program. The educational program on freestyle delivery care was examined with a questionnaire on the participants’ experiences of the program. The questionnaire contained 26 items on topics such as knowledge, skills, and beliefs, both before and after the program. The average age of the participants was 32.0±7.5 years, and their experience was 5.9 ±4.8 years. Eight participants(34.8%)were experienced with freestyle delivery care, while 15(65.2%)did not. Participants reported that they had previously faced difficulties with "equipment, environment, and human problems," and that "technology was inadequate." The effects of the educational program included significant changes in knowledge, skills, and beliefs. The experienced and inexperienced groups had different opinions on the educational program, particularly with regard to the topics of delivery care and knowledge of posture. All of them found “practice with lateral recumbent position delivery” to be useful. The results show that the educational program enabled participants to gain knowledge, skills, and new beliefs., Article, 富山大学看護学会誌, 第14巻1号, 2014.06., page 59-69}, pages = {59--69}, title = {助産師へのフリースタイル分娩介助の教育プログラムの評価}, volume = {14}, year = {2014} }