@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002771, author = {林, 佳奈子 and 廣瀬, 幸美}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山大学看護学会誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {思春期にある心疾患児のセルフエスティーム(SE)の特徴を病気周知,相談相手との関連より明らかにするため,無記名自記式質問紙調査を行った.有効回答99名を分析した結果,中学生よりも小学生,中学3年生に比べて小学4・5年生にSEが有意に高かった.小学生では相談相手において自分を助けてくれるという理由から心配事を相談する患児にSEが有意に高かった. 中学生では病気周知において家族以外に病気を知らせたのは自分のことをわかってもらいたいという理由の患児にSEが有意に高く,相談相手において自分のことをよくわかってくれている,秘密を守ってくれるという理由から家族や父親に相談する患児にSEが有意に高かった.以上のことから,思春期心疾患児が自分を理解し信頼できる人が身近にいるというサポート感をもち,病気周知をスムーズに行えるよう支援していく必要性が示唆された. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Self-Esteem, and illness disclosure or consult in Adolescents with heart disease. Questionnaires were administered to 4th to 9th grade children with heart disease and their family, regular visit to outpatients pediatrics. The results showed 99 examples, the self-esteem score in primary school students were significantly higher than junior high school students, and 4th & 5th grade children were significantly higher than 9th grade children. In addition, data showed the self-esteem higher score in illness disclosed adolescents reason for it is hoped that everyone understand mine, and non-illness disclosed adolescents reason for it need not disclose to than others, were significantly than others. In consult adolescents, the self-esteem higher score in consult adolescents with their father, mother and family; reason for it is hoped that everyone understands mine, and they keep a secret mine. The self-esteem higher score in I think I'm supported by many people than others. This indicated we need to understand the real state of their personal relations and illness disclosure in adolescents with heart disease., Article, 富山大学看護学会誌, 第13巻2号, 2013.12., page 93-103}, pages = {93--103}, title = {思春期にある心疾患児のセルフエスティームと病気周知, 相談相手との関連}, volume = {13}, year = {2013} }