@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002739, author = {高橋, 久子 and 永山, くに子}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山大学看護学会誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {The purpose of this study was to elucidate the factors that support the mothers of hospitalized infants with severe motor and intellectual disabilities. Five mothers of infants attending daycare centers for preschool children with disabilities participated in this qualitative, descriptive study. To analyze the factors that supported the mothers, 15 subcategories were first extracted from 43 codes. The subcategories were subsequently abstracted and 7 categories were extracted. Finally, 3 core concepts were extracted: "treating mothers with respecting their self-esteem," "establishing relationships with significant others," and "mother's own strenuous efforts." The results suggested that the key supporting factors were to treat mothers with respecting their self-esteem, to create an environment in which mothers can establish good relationships with their significant others, to observe and ensure that mothers can recognize both positive changes in their children and a sense of security through their own strenuous efforts., 本研究は重症心身障害を持つ乳幼児の入院を体験した母親の支えとなったものは何かを明らかにすることを目的とした.通園施設に通っている子どもの母親5名を対象とし,質的記述的分析を行なった結果以下のことが明らかになった. 重症心身障害をもつ乳幼児の入院を体験した母親の支えは,43のコードより15のサブカテゴリを抽出し,その後抽象化し7つのカテゴリを抽出し,最終的に3つのコア概念【母親の自尊心を尊重する関わり】【重要他者との関係性の成立】【母親自身の頑張りそのもの】が抽出された. 重症心身障害をもつ乳幼児の母親への入院中の援助として,子どもの障害を知りショックを受けている母親への自尊心を尊重する関わり,入院を繰り返す中では母親と重要他者との良い関係が成立するよう環境を整えること,母親が子どもの変化を実感でき,頑張っている母親自身の安心が得られるよう見守ることが重要であると示唆された., Article, 富山大学看護学会誌, 第12巻2号, 2012.12., page 67-79}, pages = {67--79}, title = {重症心身障害をもつ乳幼児の母親の体験 : 入退院を繰り返す中で母親の支えとなったものを中心に}, volume = {12}, year = {2012} }