@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002640, author = {松浦, 恒仁 and 西尾, 由香理 and 澤合, 史絵 and 中林, 真織 and 岡本, 光子}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山大学看護学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to find out the stress factor about the work-place change in female nurses. A method of research was a questionnaire and obtained the reply from 45 5nurses. The analysis methods were factor analysis and two-way analysis of variance. The following seven factors were extracted as a result of factor analysis. (1) knowledge and skill shortage, (2) negative self-valuation, (3) fatigue feeling, (4) fundamental desire, (5) positive self-valuation, (6) somatic symptoms, and (7) weight change. The result of the analysis of variance in each stress factor, for the stress factor (1), the nurses less than one year after work-place change felt a strong stress. For the stress factors (2) and (5), the nurses more than seven times of work-place change felt a strong stress. For the stress factor (7), the nurses, who had work-place change once and/or were less than one year after work-place change, felt a strong stress., 本研究目的は看護師の勤務異動に関わるストレス因子を見出すことと,勤務異動回数・現職場年数との関連を見出すことである. 研究方法は看護師・助産師455名を対象に,質問票37項目(無記名の自記式構成質問票)を4件法で訊ねて潜在因子を抽出し,因子得点にて各因子における勤務異動回数4群と現職場年数4群との関連を二元配置分散分析した. 因子分析では「知識・技術の不足」「否定的自己評価」「疲労感」「基本的欲求」「肯定的自己評価」「身体症状」「体重変動」の7因子が抽出され、勤務異動回数と現職場年数との関連では,「知識・技術の不足」で異動後1年未満の人はストレスを強く感じ,「否定的自己評価」では,異動回数8回以上の人が強く感じていた.「肯定的自己評価」は異動回数8回以上の人が強く感じ、「体重変動」では異動回数1回の人と現職場年数1年未満の人はストレスを感じているという結果であった., Article, 富山大学看護学会誌, 第7巻2号, 2008.3., page 7-14}, pages = {7--14}, title = {女性看護師の勤務異動時におけるストレス因子と 勤務属性との関連}, volume = {7}, year = {2008} }