@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002639, author = {松浦, 恒仁 and 吉村, 不二子 and 高田, 奈緒 and 尾崎, 智子 and 下ノ村, 由夏}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山大学看護学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this research was to clarify nurse's practice of a family care in an intensive care unit (ICU). Forty nurses who work in the ICU, were undertaken the questionnaire with 15 items about family care. The subjects were divided into 3 groups according to an experience-year in the ICU. The results were as follows; 1) Practice rates were relatively high in following items; "explanation of current patient condition", "circumference-consideration around the bed at visitor-coming". But" explanation of medical treatments", "explanation schedule which needs cooperation with a doctor" showed low practice rates. 2) There were significant differences by ICU experience-year in 2 items. The nurses under 3-year experience showed higher rate in the item" telling one's name to apatient in charge". The nurses 3-7 experience-year were excellent in the item "making a good atmosphere in which a family speak"., 本研究目的は,集中治療室において看護師が行っている家族援助の実践状況を,集中治療室経験年数別(3群:3年未満,3~7年未満,7年以上)に比較し,その特徴を見出すこととした. その結果,家族援助実践状況では,全体としてはⅰ)その日の患者の状態説明,ⅱ)ベッド周囲の環境配慮や分かり易い言葉を用いた説明の実践意識が高かったが,ⅲ)転棟時期や治療・検査予定などの医者との連携を必要とする項目は低い傾向にあった.経験年数別での比較では,③一般病棟への転棟の時期についての説明では経験年数7年以上,⑦その日の担当看護師であることを伝えるでは経験年数3年未満,⑪面会時には家族が話しやすい雰囲気作りでは3~7年未満で一番実践意識が高かった. 家族援助への実践においては集中治療室の経験年数により違いが出てくるということが示された., Article, 富山大学看護学会誌, 第7巻2号, 2008.3., page 1-6}, pages = {1--6}, title = {集中治療室における看護師の家族援助とICU経験年数との関連}, volume = {7}, year = {2008} }