@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002611, author = {原, 元子 and 八塚, 美樹 and 松井, 文}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山大学看護学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, We carried out a questionnaire survey to extract the actual status concerning the blood Dialysis-related foot troubles and foot caring. Through the analysis of the answers on the questionnaire obtained from 112 patients receiving the blood dialysis, it was shown that as much as 80% of the patients experience either foot trouble such as volume nails, thicken nails or athlete's foots. In addition, it was demonstrated that the morbidity of foot troubles and volume nails increase in proportion to patients' ages and the cold feeling of leg, respectively. However, a clear relation was not shown between the foot troubles and the blood dialysis-receiving periods (yeas), and also between these troubles and diabetic nephropathy. It was noteworthy that the most of healthcare personnel as well as patients with foot troubles want to learn how to cut the nail and how to treat the volume nails. In light of these findings, it is considered to be important and necessary to promote intensively the spread of foot care skills., 私たちは,血液透析に関連した足病変とフットケアに関しての実態を求め,アンケート調査を行った.血液透析を受けている112人の患者から得られたアンケート結果を分析すると,患者の80%もが巻き爪,爪の肥厚化または水虫等何らかの足病変を経験することが示された.さらに,患者の年齢と足の冷えのそれぞれに比例して足病変や巻き爪の罹病率が増加することも示された. しかしながら,足病変と血液透析経験期間(年数)の関係も,これらの病変と糖尿病腎症の関係も,明瞭には示されなかった.注目すべきは,足病変を患っている患者と同様に殆どの医療職者が爪を切る方法や巻き爪を治す方法を学びたがっているということである.以上より,フットケア技術の普及を強く促すことが重要かつ必要であると考えられた., Article, 富山大学看護学会誌, 第6巻2号, 2007.3., page 57-64}, pages = {57--64}, title = {血液透析患者のフットケアへの意識に関する実態調査}, volume = {6}, year = {2007} }