@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002589, author = {得田, 恵子 and 高間, 静子}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 成人型アトピー性皮膚炎患者のディストレスを把握し,概念枠組みを行った.その結果,「問題未解決による精神の不均衡」,「不浄視されることへの恐れ」,「掻痒感」,「身体的安楽の充足不全」,「基本的生活の欲求充足不全」,「高次欲求の充足不全」,「早期治癒への願望成就不全」,「人間関係の調整不全」,「生活スタイルの調整不全」,「アトピーに対する無理解への不満」,「不安」,「精神的サポートが得られない悩み」,「経済的負担」,「回避困難なディストレス」で成り立っていた., The purpose of this study was to examine distress and to make frame-work of distress for Atopic dermatitis's patients in adult. In results 14 constructs constitute conceptual frame-work of distress for Atopic dermatitis's patients in adult. These were 14 constructs constitute conceptual frame-work of distress. Those were 'Imbalance state of mind is due to unsolved problems' 'Danger of looking uncleanliness' 'To feel itchy' 'Sufficiency failure of physical comfortable state' 'Sufficiency failure of the desire to live the fundamental life' 'sufficiency failure of the high level desire' 'It is not possible to wish a disease cure early' 'Regulation failure of the relation of person to person' 'Regulation failure of life' 'Discontent with lack of understanding Atopic dermatitis' 'Anxiety' 'The worries that can not get mental support' 'Economic burden' and 'Distress that can not avoid'Atopic dermatitis,s patients, distress., Article}, pages = {69--80}, title = {成人型アトピー性皮膚炎患者のディストレスに関する研究 : ディストレスの概念枠組み}, volume = {5}, year = {2004} }