@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002584, author = {小倉, 克行 and 上野, 栄一}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究では,看護師の性格傾向(自我状態: Critical Parent, Nurturing Parent, Adult, Free Child, Adapted Child)と精神的健康度との関係について調べた.対象はT大学附属病院精神科に勤務する看護師19名で,調査用具として,東大式エゴグラムとGeneral Health Questionnaire 30 (GHQ30)を用いた.GHQ30の各下位尺度得点を目的変数とした重回帰分析,内容分析の結果,次の結果を得た.(1) Adult, Adapted Childは身体的症状に影響を与えていた.(2) Adapted Childは不安と気分変調に影響を与えていた.(3) Nurturing Parent, Adapted Childは希死念慮うつ傾向に影響を与えていた.(4)仕事上の負担には患者との対人関係に関する事項が多かった.(5) Free Childと希死念慮うつ傾向の間には負の相関が,Adapted Childと一般的疾患傾向・不安と気分変調・希死念慮うつ傾向との間にはそれぞれ正の相関があった., The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between nurses' characteristic tendency (Ego State: Critical Parent, Nurturing Parent, Adult, Free Child, Adapted Child) and their mental health status. A sample of 19 nurses working at psychiatric ward in T University Hospital was examined. The instruments used were Tokyo University Egogram and General Health Questionnaire 30 (GHQ30). Scores of sub-scales of GHQ30 were chosen as target variables, and we obtained the following results as a result of multiple linear regression analysis and content analysis. (1) Physical symptom influenced in Adult and Adapted Child. (2) Mood alteration influenced in Adapted Child and anxiety. (3) The desire for death and depressive tendency influenced in Nurturing Parent and Adapted Child. (4) There were many concerns of interpersonal relationship with patients in job burden. (5) The scores of Free Child showed negatively correlation with those of the desire for death and depressive tendency, and the scores of AC showed positively correlation with general disease tendency, anxiety and the mental alteration and the desire for death-depressive tendency respectively., Article}, pages = {19--28}, title = {精神科病棟に勤務する看護師の性格特性と精神的健康度との関係}, volume = {5}, year = {2004} }