@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002580, author = {高橋, 尚子 and 横田, 恵子 and 高間, 静子}, issue = {1}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究では看護学生の対人不安に影響する個人の内的属性について調べた.内的属性を,自我同一性,自己没入,共感的配慮,抑うつ性,コンピテンス,セルフモニタリング,社会的スキル,対人行動における自己効力感とした.対象はT大学医学部看護学科の1年生から4年生までの学生196名である.測定用具には自我同一性,対人不安,自己没入,共感的配慮,抑うつ性,コンピテンス,セルフモニタリング,社会的スキル,対人行動における自己効力感等を測定する既存の尺度を使用した.対人不安を従属変数とし,内的属性を独立変数としてこれらの関係を見た.さらに,調査対象の属性である学年,性別,年齢,兄弟姉妹数,親友,友人,対人交流において相手に意見を求める程度などとの関係をみた.その結果,看護学生の対人不安と自我同一性,コンピテンス,社会的スキルとの間に負の有意な相関がみられ,自己没入,共感的配慮,抑うつ性との間には正の有意な相関がみられた.しかし,セルフモニタリングや自己効力感との間には有意な相関はみられなかった., The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between nursing students' negative self-awareness in interpersonal relationships and their internal attributions. The Internal attributions were ego identity, self-preoccupation, empathy consideration, depressive, competence, self monitoring, social skill and self-efficacy. The sample was 196 nursing students in the university. The score of self-preoccupation, empathy consideration and depression showed positively correlation with their negative self-awareness in interpersonal. In addition, the score of ego identity, competence and social skill showed negatively correlation with those of their negative self-awareness in interpersonal. Also, the relationships between the self-efficacy and the negative self-awareness in interpersonal relationships were different by friends number. But the relationships between the self-monitoring and negative self-awareness in interpersonal relationships weren't observed., Article}, pages = {105--119}, title = {看護学生の対人不安と個人の内的属性との関係}, volume = {5}, year = {2003} }