@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002575, author = {炭谷, 靖子 and 笹野, 京子 and 成瀬, 優知}, issue = {1}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 看護において対人関係を円滑に運ぶための技能である社会的スキルは重要である.そこで本研究では看護科高校生の社会的スキルの獲得状況を明らかにすることを目的とした.更にそれが看護に有用なスキルであるかを確認するために向社会的行動と自尊感情について併せて調査した.対象は看護科115名と普通科121名であった.課程別での学年比較において社会的スキルの獲得状況の違いはなかった.しかし,課程別比較において2つの下位概念(初歩的スキルと高度のスキル)で看護科生徒に高い傾向がみられた.また,自尊感情は3年生の課程別比較で看護科生徒に高い傾向があった.向社会的行動では,総合得点および下位概念の社会関係で看護科生徒が有意に高い得点を得た.なお,共分散分析の結果,高校生の向社会的行動には課程,初歩的スキル,攻撃に代わるスキル,計画のスキルが関連しており,学校関係での向社会的行動にはその他に自尊感情が負の関連を示していた.以上のことから学年による社会的スキルの獲得状況に違いは認められなかったが,看護科を選択する生徒の特性として社会的スキルが高く,向社会的行動と関連していることが示唆された., Social skills, which handle relationships smoothly, are important for nursing procedures. The research purposes of study is to clarify the social skill levels of nursing students, and the relations between the social skills and thoughtful acts, which is also considered as prosocial behavior. The data were obtained from 115 nursing and 121 general arts and science students. The result showed that the acquisition situation of the social skill could be recognized no difference among school years. But, nursing students had a little higher social skill under the questions about the basic and advance skill. Senior nursing students scored higher self-esteem points. Also, their scores about thoughtful acts were much higher than that of general arts and science students. As a result of analysis of covariance, the prosocial behavior related to academic program, basic social skill, alternative skill to offence and planning skills. Social skills for academic program related negative thought. In conclusion, a prosocial behavior of nursing students was relatively high, and the social skill was correlated with prosocial behavior., Article}, pages = {61--72}, title = {高校生の社会的スキルおよび自尊感情の状況と思いやり行動の関連 : 課程別(看護科,普通科)比較}, volume = {5}, year = {2003} }