@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002568, author = {八塚, 美樹 and 吉井, 美穂 and 落合, 宏 and 今西, 信子}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 任意接種へと変換後インフルエンザワクチン接種率は激減したが, 老人のインフルエンザに続く肺炎死, またインフルエンザ脳炎・脳症のハイリスクとして5歳以下のワクチン未接種者が指摘されてきことに伴い関心は再び高まってきた.このような背景のもと, 2000年5月から6月を調査期間として小児におけるインフルエンザワクチンの接種状況と周辺の問題を富山県の5つの公立保育園に通う3-5歳児をもつ母親を対象として調査を行った.有効対象児181名中43名(23.8%)が発熱やかぜ様症状を契機に受診歴があり, 19名(44.1%)がインフルエンザと診断されていた.定期ワクチンの接種率は, 70.7%~91.2%と極めて高かったが, 任意ワクチンの接種率は25.4%以下であり, とりわけインフルエンザでは5.5%と最低の接種率であった.インフルエンザワクチン未接種の理由として, 約半分の母親は高額をあげたが, ワクチン効果への疑問(19.9%)や副作用(8.8%)も依然として認められた.また日常的予防法として, 手洗いやうがい等の一般的な予防法に加え, 一部にはインフルエンザ独自の乾燥回避や加湿器使用も導入も認めれらた.これらのことから, インフルエンザやそのワクチンを含めた予防法に関する理解, 関心度は高まりつつあるが, 尚正しい教育・啓蒙活動の強化の必要性が示唆された., After influenza vaccine was converted its legal status into a voluntary one, vaccine-receiving rates were remarkably decreased. However, its vaccine became the center of public health due to the high morbidity and motarity of influenza pneumonia in elderly persons and influenza encephalopathy in younger children. Under these situations, we investigated the mother's appreciation and attitude for the prevention of influenza in her children during May and June, 2000 in Toyama Prefecture. Forty three of 181 children consulted with physicians by the episode of fever or either symptom of influenza or common cold during the preceded winter season. Moreover, 19 children were confirmed as influenza. In sharp contrast to the vaccine-receiving rates of legal vaccines such as measles, rubella and polio vaccines (70.7% to 91.2 %), those of voluntary vaccines were lower, especially that of influenza vaccine was as low as 5.5%. As for the reasons for unvacination, approximately half of mother cited the expensive vaccine cost. It is noteworthy that 19.9 % and 8.8% of the reasons are due to the misunderstanding of vaccine efficacy and adverse reactions, repectively. In addition to the common preventive methods such as hand washing and gargle, it seems to begin the introduction of humidifier to decrease in the infectivity of influenza virus. In summary, mother's appreciation and attitude for the prevention of influenza are improving, but the social activities of nurses are suggested to be required for the education of these issues., Article}, pages = {149--154}, title = {保育園児をもつ母親のインフルエンザワクチンの捉え方}, volume = {4}, year = {2002} }