@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002558, author = {堀井, 満恵 and 笹野, 京子 and 筏井, 沙織 and 石井, 仁乃 and 長谷川, ともみ}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究は母親がパニックに陥ることなく, 児の泣き方や泣き声からそのニーズや訴えの意味を把握し, 的確なケアができるよう, 現在育児の真っ只中にある母親達に, 児の空腹時, 不快時, 眠い時, 甘えたい時の泣き方や泣き声の判別に, どのような方法や手段を用いているか, また, その断定の根拠などについてアンケート調査し, 一方, 育児経験は無いものの同年代であり且つ近い将来看護支援者になるであろう本学看護学生が児の泣き声にどのような判別の方法や手段が得られるのかを探るため, 調査に協力が得られた4年次生に, 泣き声テープを聴いてもらい聴き分け状況を調査し, 比較検討を行った.その結果, 母親は児の泣き方の判別手段として「時間」が最も多く, 次に「時間と声の調子」を挙げ, 僅かの人が「しぐさ」で判断していた.また, その獲得要因としては「育児の中の気持ちの安定」「時間」「しぐさ」「声の調子」に加え, その泣きの意味を解かろうとして「おっぱいを与える」「おむつを換える」「抱っこする」「声がけをする」など, 児の反応を見ながら, こまめに対応している母親は早期に判別できることがあきらかになった., The purpose of this study was to clarify factors involved in the acquisition of the ability to discriminate infant cry types by mothers so that mothers understand the needs and complaints of their infants based on the way and sound of crying, and provide appropriate care without developing anxiety. A questionnaire survey was carried out in mothers who care for infants to ask the method of discriminating cry types in their infants when they are hungry, uncomfortable, sleepy, or want to be held, and also the basis of the discrimination. For comparison, infant cry types were discriminated using tapes of infant cries by student volunteers in the 4th year of our school who have no experience of infant care but are in the same generation as that of the mothers and may provide nursing support in the near future. The mothers most frequently discriminate infant cry types based on time, followed by time and the tone of sound. A few mothers discriminated them based on gesture. Concerning factors involved in the acquisition of discrimination ability, in addition to stable feeling during child care, time, gesture and tone of sound, early discrimination among cry types was obtainable in mothers who readily take coping measures for crying such as breast feeding, change diapers, holding, and talking to while observing infant responses, in an effort to understand the meaning of the cry., Article}, pages = {33--42}, title = {母親が児の泣き方を判別する能力獲得に関与する要因の検討}, volume = {4}, year = {2002} }