@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002557, author = {直成, 洋子 and 泉野, 潔 and 澤田, 愛子 and 高間, 静子}, issue = {2}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究では慢性の循環器系疾患患者の自己管理行動と自己効力感に関連する影響要因について調べた.調査対象は有効回答の得られた丁病院に外来通院中の循環器系疾患患者112名である.対象の内訳は虚血性心疾患が74.1%と最も多く, 他は心不全, 高血圧, 弁膜症, 不整脈等であった.調査内容は本研究に先立って作成した自己効力感尺度を用い, 行動パターンとHealth-Related Quality of Life(HR QOL)は既存の尺度を使用した.自己管理行動, 生活充実感, 生活管理の主体性や家族のセルフケア支援については, 宗像や川端の先行研究を基に心疾患患者用に再構成した尺度を用いた.本調査結果から生活管理の主体性や自己効力感を高く認知し, 心臓病教室に参加することが自己管理行動を高める効果のあることが明らかになった.特に生活管理の主体性や自己効力感は自己管理行動の促進要因として, 重要な存在であった.さらに生活充実感を高く認知し, 65才以上の高齢であること, 同居者があることや虚血性心疾患でないことは, 自己効力感を高める直接効果となり, 自己管理行動に間接的な影響を及ぼしていることが示唆された., We evaluated factors associated with management behavior and self-efficacy in 112 out patients with cardiovascular diseases Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University hospital. Ischemic Cardiac Diseases were most frequently observed (74.1%). Other diseases including cardiac failure hypertension, valvular disease, and arrhythmia. Self-efficacy was assessed using our previously developed scale. Behavioral patterns and health-related quality of life (HR QOL) were evaluated using standard scales. Management behavior, the sense of a full life, living an independent life, and self-care support by the outpatient's family were evaluated using scales modified for outpatients with cardiovascular diseases based on studies by Munakata and Kawabata. A question-naire survey was conducted, and the results suggested that the promotion of management behavior by living an independent life was associated with self-efficacy and participation in cardiac diseases class. In particular, living an independent life and the self-efficacy were important factors of the promotion of management behavior. In addition, a strong sense of a full life, advanced age (over 65 year s), the presense of persons who live with the patient, and the absence of ischemic heart diseases directly increased self-efficacy, and influenced management behavior indirectly., Article}, pages = {21--31}, title = {循環器系疾患患者の自己管理行動および自己効力感に影響する要因}, volume = {4}, year = {2002} }