@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002552, author = {有田, 広美 and 澤田, 愛子}, issue = {1}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, 進行ガン患者は, ガンと告知され入院治療を受けてから, 社会復帰して日常生活を送る経過の中で, どのような「癒される」体験をしているのか, また看護者は患者の「癒し」をどのように捉えているかを明らかにする研究を行った.外来通院中の進行ガン患者15名と看護者12名にインタビューを行い, その逐語録をデータとし質的分析を行った.その結果, 患者が感じる「癒し」からは, 他者とのつながりを実感する, 感情の調和, 日常性とのつながり, 健康回復への希望をもつ, 社会とのつながりを回復する, 新しい自己への気づき, 神仏への祈り, 自然との触れ合いの8つの背景が導き出された.看護者が考える患者の「癒し」は, 他者とのつながりを実感する, 側にいてくれる・共感, 健康回復への希望, 社会とのつながりを回復する, 自己の存在の再確認, 神仏への祈り, 自然との触れ合い, その人らしい日常生活が送れる, 身体的苦痛がない等が具体的な内容であった.両者の癒し観は概ね一致したが, 患者の癒える力を信じ, 患者の思いに近づく必要性も示唆された., The purpose of this study is to clarify how patients with advanced cancer experience to be healed throughout their illness process, and to clarify how nurses consider what healing of patients with advanced cancer is. The data were collected through semi-structured inter-views with 15 outpatients with advanced cancer and 12 nurses, and analyzed according to inductive procedures. Concepts of healing that the patients felt consisted of 8 categories as follows : relationship with other people, harmonic feeling, hope for recovery of health, connection with daily life, connection with society, awareness of their new selves, prayer, and contact with nature. Concepts of healing of patients that the nurses considered consisted of 9 categories : relationship with other people, standing by patients and sympathy, hope for their recovery of health, connection with society, reconfirmation of self, prayer, contact with nature, living as he or sheis, and relief from physical pain. From these results, it was clarified that concepts of healing of patients and nurses are very similar. It is asked for nurses to believe in patients' healing power and share thoughts and hope with them., Article}, pages = {95--108}, title = {進行ガン患者と看護者が考える「癒し」}, volume = {4}, year = {2001} }