@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002539, author = {高松, 奈美 and 塚田, トキヱ and 馬竹, 美穂 and 今西, 信子 and 美善, 郁代 and 落合, 宏}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, ヒト免疫グロブリン(h-Ig)投与効果をマウスウイルス性心筋炎モデルで検討した.使用したh-Igの4ロットには, コクサッキーB3ウイルス(CB3V)に対する抗体は検出されたが, マウス脳心筋炎ウイルス(EMCV)に対する抗体は検出されなかった.感染マウスに4ロットを混合し毎日1回, 1g/Kgを種々の期間投与した.CB3V感染マウスの場合, 全2週, 前半1週あるいは後半1週のいずれの投与群においても, 生残率に有意な改善は得られなかったが, 14日の心病理に有意な改善を認め, かつ心ウイルス量も検出限界以下であった.一方, EMCV感染マウスヘの4週連続投与により, 心病理と生残率の有意な改善に加え, 血中の炎症性サイトカインレベルの低下が認められた.これらの結果から, 本剤は, 単に抗体によるウイルス中和作用のみならず抗炎症性サイトカイン作用を有し, 心筋炎の進展を抑制していることが示唆された.免疫機能が未熟な小児を対象とした母子看護の視点, また種々の感染症に遭遇する機会の多い医療従事者として, このような薬剤の存在とその有用性を認識しておくことは重要と考えられた., In the infancy, infectious diseases are the most popular and some of them are fatal because of the abolishment of maternal antibody-mediated defense mechanisms in addition to immature immune system. In light of these facts, we investigated therapeutic effect of the administration of human immunoglobulin (h-Ig) on the coxsackie B3 virus (CB3V) or encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV)-induced myocarditis in mice from the aspects of pediatric/obstetric nursing. Anti-CB3V antibody could be detected in all four rots of h-Ig preparations used in this study, whereas anti-EMCV antibody could not. When h-Ig was administrated into infected mice with CB3V by intraperitoneal injection daily once at a dose of 1g/Kg/day for two weeks, or either for the first or the subsequent one week, the survival rates of these treated groups were slightly improved compared with that of untreated control group. However, the cardiac pathology was significantly improved in either treated group, accompanied with the undetectable levels of virus titers in cardiac tissues. In the case of EMCV-infected mice, four-week administration of h-Ig could induce significant improvement in both survival rate and cardiac pathology compared with those of control group in spite of the lack of anti-EMCV antibody. At the same time, serum levels of inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6 and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 became considerably lower in the treated group than the control group. These data suggest that h-Ig has potential to exhibit the therapeutic effect on the virus -induce myocarditis through not only virus-neutralizing antibody but also anti-inflammatory cytokine activity. Thus, it is noteworthy that h-Ig is an useful tool for intervention therapy in various infectious diseases in pediatric/obstetric nursing, and for infection control of health care personnel who are exposed to various infectious agents at high risk., Article}, pages = {141--151}, title = {ウイルス性心筋炎に対する免疫グロブリン療法 : 母子感染看護の視点から}, volume = {3}, year = {2000} }