@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002532, author = {田中, いずみ and 神郡, 博 and 辻口, 喜代隆 and 筒口, 由美子}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究では, 表現が乏しくて心が理解できない患者(case1)と, 医療に対するノンコンプライアンスがあり, 心を開かない患者(case2)との2つの事例を用いて, 看護実践の場面の記述から, 精神科看護におけるケアリングの状況とその要素を現象学的に検討した.その結果, 以下の点が明らかになった.1)ケアリングが深まる要素は, 看護婦が患者の心を知ろうと努力すること, 共にいる存在になること(case1), 看護婦が患者の話したいときに, 共にいて話を聞くこと, 感情的にならずに, よく聞き患者を支持しすること(case2)が考えられた.2)ケアリングを妨げる要素は, 看護婦が仕事を優先せざる得ない状況から患者に心を向けていないこと, 患者を否定したこと(case1), 看護婦が陰性感情をコントロールできないこと(case2)が考えられた.3)これらのことからケアリングが深まるかどうかの要素は, 患者個々のニーズを深く感じとり, それに合わせたアプローチを取り出せるかどうかの看護婦の能力にかかっていることが示唆された., We investigated effective elements of caring in psychiatric nursing. For the purpose of this study, following two cases were selected by the reason why nurses could not under-stand their real needs. One had never expressed her inner mind to nurses except saying to die of hungry(case1), and another was in noncompliance with Doctor's regimens and refused to interact with nurses (case2). Data were collected from the discriptions of interactoin with them during caring and analysed through discussion based on the phenomenological methodology. As a result, we concluded as follows : 1) In the case1,effective elements of promoting caring were that each nurse should behave well as a person existing with her patient and make efforts to know the real needs of her inner mind. In the case2,it was that a nurse should exist at her bed side and listen to her when she wanted to talk. 2) On the contrary , ineffective elements of caring were found in such nurses' performances as taking a priority on doing rutine work rather than caring in the busy morning situation, giving negative strokes to a patient(case1), and/or being unable to control contratransference (case2). 3) Thus, effective elements of caring were considered to depend greatly on the nurses' abilities whether they could understand real needs of the patients and take a fitted approach to them., Article}, pages = {61--74}, title = {精神科看護におけるケアリングの効果的な要素}, volume = {3}, year = {2000} }