@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002526, author = {Sawada, Aiko}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, When people have to adopt one of some choices in a critical situation on life and death, how do they make a decision and cope with the situation ? As for medical and health care staff in medical institutions, this is an everyday occurrence. In author's class of Bioethics, a question was given in one created case - a scene of drowning - that should put the students in a dilemma. The answers from those sixty -three students were devided into following four types on the main ethical theories. 1. Answers based on ethics on principles or deontology ---9.5% 2. Answers based on situational ethics or consequentialism or utilitarianism ---11.1% 3. Answers based on the eclectic theory of both mentioned above---66.7% 4. Others---12.7% The answers based on the eclectic theory of deontology and consequentialism accounted for the majority of the students' choices. It can be said this is a result of their effort to seek for desperate measures to save all the people. They could not sacrifice one person's life as they knew human's life had equal weight, but they wanted to avoid the worst result that all the people drown. From their choices, it might be said that many students have a wholesome view of life, which will make them do their best even in an extreme situation. On the other hand this showed a Japanese trait that we do not like to make a choice between two things. In this assignment, the simulated case caused the students to think about what it was to make a decision in a crucial situation on life and death. It is hoped that this will motivate them to review their personal values of life and to consider life and death of people who are facing death., 人は生死に関わる重大な局面で選択を迫られる時, どう判断し行動するのだろうか.過日, 筆者は生命倫理の授業で, ジレンマに陥らざるを得ない1つの事例を提示して, 学生に考えさせてみた.それは, 学生に自らの価値観や倫理観を再認識させ, 生命観を養う契機を与えるためであった.学生63人の回答を主な倫理学説に沿って分類した結果は次のようなものであった.1.原則倫理又は義務論に即した回答 : 9.5%2.状況倫理又は結果主義(功利主義)に即した回答 : 11.1%3.これら2つの学説の折衷的考え方に即した回答 : 66.7%4.その他 : 12.7%.折衷的な考え方が多数を占めたのは, 生命は皆同じ重みを持つので1人を犠牲にできぬ.さりとて全員死ぬのは最悪だ.そこで全員助かる方法はないかと学生が苦肉の策を考え出した結果であり, 極限状態の中でもベストを尽くそうとする健全な生命観を表明したものといえる.一方で, ここからは, 二者択一を好まぬ日本的心性も窺える.学生には今後, 生命の重さや死に直面する人達を凝視する姿勢が求められる., Article}, pages = {1--8}, title = {View of life in an extreme situation : Consideration through a case study}, volume = {3}, year = {2000} }