@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002517, author = {堀井, 満恵 and 坂, まりこ and 宮下, 真理 and 長谷川, ともみ and 塚田, トキヱ}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 近年の一般市民の生活は, 電化やモータリゼーション化のために, 運動不足に陥りやすくなっており, 妊婦についても例外ではない.そのような中で, 妊婦の妊娠中の体重増加の弊害が問題視され, 妊娠中の運動の必要性が叫ばれている.その一手段として妊婦水泳が導入されてきているが, その安全性・有効性については疑問視する声も聞かれることから, 我々は, Bスイミングスクールに通った126名の記録から水泳の前と後の血圧, 脈拍, 体重の変化ならびに中止したケースの有無について調査した.さらにアンケート調査にて, マイナートラブルの有無と水泳による変化の有無, 分娩所要時間, 児の出生体重, 妊娠全期間の体重増加量, スイミングに対する意見などを聴取し, 検討した.その結果, 1.収縮期血圧, 拡張期血圧, 体重は水泳後に有意に低下した.2.水泳前・中・後に身体の不調を訴えたり早産徴候が出現するケースは見られなかった.3.水泳によりマイナートラブルが改善したとする妊婦が非常に多かった.4.呼吸法, リラクゼーション法の習得が分娩へのモチベーションを高めた.5.仲間づくりのよい場となり得ている.以上のことより, 妊婦にとって水泳はメディカルチェックのもとに行えば安全性は保障される., In modern life, the chance of doing exercise has become limited due to the continuously progressing electrification and motorization. This apprehensive life style is the case for the pregnant women. Since an adverse effect of weight gain during pregnancy has been pointed out, the necessity of exercise is emphasized and swimming is introduced as one of strategies for the weight control. However, the safety and weight control efficiency of swimming remains controversial. In this study, we examined the changes in blood pressure, pulse and body weight before and after swimming based on the records of 126 pregnant women who attended B swimming school regularly. In addition, the effect of swimming on the duration of delivery, birth weight, overall weight gain through pregnancy and minor troubles were examined based on the responses on the questionnaires. The following results were obtained : 1. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures as well as body weight were significantly reduced after swimming. 2. Unfavorable physical conditions or signs of premature labor were not detected in any pregnant woman before, during and after swimming. 3. With a very high proportion, pregnant women reported that minor troubles were improved by swimming. 4. Swimming exhibited an additional effect to increase the motivation toward delivery through the learning of breathing and relaxation methods, and 5. Swimming school was considered to provide an opportunity to make friends sharing with the common issues. These findings suggest that swimming might be safe and effective for the improvement of physical conditions and weight control of pregnant women if under-going with appropriate medical checking., Article}, pages = {95--102}, title = {妊婦水泳の安全性・有効性の検討}, volume = {2}, year = {1999} }