@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002514, author = {Sawada, Aiko}, journal = {富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Nurses are sometimes worried about ethical dilemmas in nursing care. However, until now we have not discussed much such a problem in spite of its importance. Today, nurses in U.S. are interested in the concept of nursing advocacy. It means advocacy of patients' best interests and rights by nurses' duties. What kind of method can nurses as patient advocate have in order to solve ethical dilemmas in difficult cases ? To solve this problem. Thompson J E and Thompson H O present ten steps to bioethical decisions. These are : 1. review the situation 2. gather additional information 3. identify the ethical issues 4. identify personal and professional values 5. identify the values of key individuals 6. identify the value conflicts 7. determine who should decide 8. identify the range of actions and anticipated outcomes 9. decide on a course of action and carry it out 10. evaluate the resuls etc. In this article, this process is explained concretely through a dementia old woman's case in Japan. It is sure that an ideal method of carrying out ethical nursing care should be made by reviewing today's issues of decision making in nursing care., 看護婦はしばしば臨床の現場で倫理的なジレンマに悩む。しかしそれをどう解決するかについては、これまでほとんど議論がされてこなかった。トンプソン等は著書において、倫理的にジレンマを解決するための10段階のプロセスを示した。即ち、1.全体的状況の振り返り2.補足的情報収集3.倫理問題の明確化4.看護婦の個人的及び職業的価値観の明確化5.鍵となる個々人の価値観の明確化6.価値葛藤の明確化7.意思決定者の決定8.解決のための行為の選択肢と予測結果の明確化9.行為の決定と実践10.結果の評価、等々である。本論文では、わが国の実例を用いて、この理論が具体的に展開され、ジレンマの倫理的解決のための一手段が提示される。事例は入院期間が制約されている一痴呆高齢者に関するもので、おむつの使用をめぐる、本人、病棟スタッフ、家族等々の葛藤と解決手段が紙上で考察される。看護行為における意思決定のあり方を省察することで、ナーシング・アドボカシーの精神に沿った倫理的な看護行為も可能になると確信できる。, Article}, pages = {59--69}, title = {Bioethical Decision Making in the Dilemmas Related to Nursing Care : Consideration through a Case Study}, volume = {2}, year = {1999} }