@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002212, author = {白井, 良和 and 上村, 清 and 関, 太輔 and 諸橋, 正昭}, issue = {4}, journal = {和漢医薬学雑誌 = Journal of traditional medicines}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, We examined whether the body condition of a person influences the attractive behavior of mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus SKUSE) . We surveyed Jitsu-sho (excess condition) or Kyo-sho (deficiency condition) and Netsu-sho (heat condition) or Kan-sho (cold condition) in Kampo medicine by means of a questionnaire. Subjects who are in medium stage of Jitsu-sho and Kyo-sho attracted more mosquitoes than subjects in Jitsu-sho and Kyo-sho. Moreover, subjects who are in medium stage of Kan-sho and Netsu-sho attracted more mosquitoes than subjects in Kan-sho and Netsu-sho. As a conclusion, mosquitoes had preference to subjects who are in medium stage of Jitsu-sho and Kyo-sho, and medium stage of Kan-sho and Netsu-sho. From the questionnaire used to determine Jitsu-sho and Kyo-sho, factors such as "tend to perspire", "tend to perspire on hands" and "cold toes" might have influence upon attraction of mosquitoes., Article}, pages = {151--156}, title = {ヒトスジシマカの吸血誘引性に及ぼす証の影響}, volume = {17}, year = {2000} }