@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000354, author = {足立, 雄一}, journal = {Toyama medical journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {本邦では人口の約2/3が何らかのアレルギー症状を有し,気管支喘息は小児の慢性疾患の中でも頻度が高いものの一つである。過去40年間において,喘息の病態が徐々に明らかになるにつれて治療や管理法において大きな変化があった。本稿では,我々の今までの研究成果をもとに,疫学データや喘息管理における今までの変化を提示するとともに,今後の発症予防について概説する。, Article, In Japan, approximately two thirds of population have allergic symptoms, and bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in children, causing a significant burden to the children and their families. During the past 40 years, as the pathogenesis of asthma has been gradually revealed, the way of treatment and management of childhood asthma has been substantially changed. Based on our previous research findings, this review covers epidemiological data of childhood asthma and longitudinal changes in the asthma management, and discusses potential prevention measures, Toyama medical journal, 34(1), 2024.03.31, Page 15-21}, pages = {15--21}, title = {小児気管支喘息の管理における過去40年間の変遷}, volume = {34}, year = {2024} }