@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000353, author = {將積, 日出夫}, journal = {Toyama medical journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {めまい・平衡障害は日常臨床で患者が最も訴える症状の1 つであり、耳性めまいが6 割を占める。良性発作性頭位めまい症(BPPV)はその過半数を占める。原因は卵形嚢から耳石が脱落し三半規管に迷入して生じ、後半規管型BPPVが約9 割、外側半規管型BPPVは約1 割である。治療には耳石を卵形嚢に移動させる浮遊耳石置換法が知られているが、ヒトでは耳石の移動を観察することは出来ない。本稿では、私が富山大学耳鼻咽喉科で継続してきた、浮遊耳石置換法の理解に役立つ世界発の膜迷路モデルの開発研究について紹介する。, Article, Dizziness is one of the most complaining symptoms in daily practice. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) accounts for about 25% of all dizzy patients, in which the otoliths fall off from the utricle macula and enter into the semicircular canals (SSC). Approximately 90% of BPPV patients are posterior SCC type, while remaining about 10% are lateral SCC type. To treat the posterior SCC type BPPV, otolith repositioning maneuver named Epley is maneuver done globally. I invented the BPPV training model which is launched on the market by the Japan Medical Company co. I introduce the history of the development as a final lecture., Toyama medical journal, 34(1), 2024.03.31, Page 9-14}, pages = {9--14}, title = {難治性めまいへの弛まぬ挑戦}, volume = {34}, year = {2024} }