@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019289, author = {北谷, 幸寛 and 八塚, 美樹}, issue = {1}, journal = {看護ケアサイエンス学会誌, Journal of Nursing Care Science Society}, month = {Aug}, note = {本邦での死亡者数は増加傾向にあり,終末期領域の緩和ケアへのニーズは今後も高まっていくと推測できる.柏木は,日本人の死に至るまでの心理過程の最終段階として受容とあきらめを示している.本研究では,“ 諦め(あきらめ)” の語源について調査した.また,キーワード“ 諦め(あきらめ)” を医中誌web 版を用いて検索した.“ 諦め” では9 件,” あきらめ” では8 件を対象文献とした.対象文献の中で,” 諦め(あきらめ)” をポジティブまたはネガティブな意味合いで用いられているか分類した.その結果,“ 諦め(あきらめ)” にはネガティブな意味合いだけでなく,ポジティブな意味合いも含まれている事,さまざまな心的様相を呈した悲哀の作業として意味合いと過程が含まれている事が明らかになった.また,ポジティブとネガティブな気持ちとの混在の状態から,対象のリビドーの解放が行われ,” 諦め(あきらめ)” の心理過程へと辿りつくと考えられた., The number of deaths in Japan is on the rise. From this it can be inferred that the need for end-oflife palliative care will continue to increase. Kashiwagi has pointed to “acceptance” and “resignation(or akirame)” as the final stages of the psychological process leading to death for the Japanese. This study investigated the etymological roots of the Japanese term akirame. I also performed a keyword search for akirame using the Ichushi Web service operated by the Japan Medical Abstracts Society. I identified nine articles featuring akirame spelled using the kanji character and a further eight articles featuring akirame spelled using only hiragana syllables as the target literature for this study. Within the target literature, I classified whether akirame was used in a positive or a negative sense. As a result, it was clear that akirame had positive as well as negative connotations, and that these connotations and processes were included as sorrow-related tasks that exhibited a variety of mental aspects. Moreover, people appeared to experience a release of the subject’s libido from a state of mixed positive and negative feelings, thereby arriving at the psychological process of “resignation”., Article, 看護ケアサイエンス学会誌, 20(1), 2021.8, pp.41-49}, pages = {41--49}, title = {がん患者とその家族における諦めに関する文献検討}, volume = {20}, year = {2021} }