@misc{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016389, author = {中島, 淑恵}, month = {2018-06-27, 2018-06-28, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26}, note = {application/mp3, テーマ:南の島の記憶ー『チタ』を読む 0.はじめに  ハーンのアメリカ時代(19歳~40歳)(1869年~1890年)   1869年 イギリスまたはフランスからアメリカ・ニューヨークに到着    オハイオ州シンシナティへ    印刷屋の下働き,牧師の秘書などを務め,週刊誌などに投稿を始める   1874年 「シンシナティ・エンクワイアラー」紙の社員となる(75年に解雇)   1877年 ルイジアナ州ニューオリンズに移る    フランス文学の翻訳を試みる   (ボードレール,ゴーティエ,フロベールなど)    クレオールの文化や文学に関心を抱く   1881年 「タイムズ・デモクラット」紙の文芸部長となる   1883年頃 デニエール島を襲ったハリケーンで生き残った少女の話を聞く   1884年 グランド島を訪れる   1885年 万国産業綿花百年記念博覧会見学        日本館の展示品に興味を惹かれる   1886年 グランド島再訪   1887年 仏領西インド諸島訪問,約2年間滞在   1889年 ニューヨークに戻る   1890年 日本行きを決意  アメリカ時代のハーンの著作(7冊)   Stray Leaves from Strange Literature (1884年) ,『飛花落葉集』   Gombo Zhèbes: Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs (1885年),『コンボ・ゼーブ』   La Cuisine Creole : A Collection of Culinary Recipes (1885年) ,『クレーオール料理』   Some Chinese Ghosts (1887年) ,『中国怪談集』   Chita: A Memory of Last Island (1889年),『チタ』   Youma; the Story of a West-Indian Slave (1890年),『ユーマ』   Two Years in the French West Indies (1890年) ,『仏領西インドの二年間』  クレオール(Créole)とは?(Wikipediaより)   スペイン語 (Criollo),ポルトガル語 (Crioulo)   「宗主国生まれ」に対する「植民地ないし副王領生まれ」を意味する形容詞   人と物,両方に用いる   人に用いる場合は,人種を問わず植民地で生まれた者はクレオールと呼ぶ   アメリカ合衆国ルイジアナ州におけるクレオール   フランス人・スペイン人とアフリカ人・先住民を先祖に持ち,ルイジアナ買収(1803年)以前にルイジアナで生まれた人々とその子孫,また彼らと関わりのある事物のこと   クレオール料理   クレオール語 Chita: A Memory of Last Island  ハーン初の小説で,「デニエール島の伝説」,「海の猛威を逃れて」「潮の影」の三部からなる。「チータ」というのは,行方不明になった娘の名で,彼女を探し求めた父親は11年後に再会するものの直後に死ぬ,という結末である。プロットも人物像も弱く,のちにハーン自身も失敗作と認めている作品ではあるが,自然および人間に対するハーンの姿勢はよく表れている。物語の中心は人ではなく,すべての人の運命を左右する大自然の力なのである。(平川祐弘監修『小泉八雲事典』恒文社より,河島弘美,374頁) あらすじ  「デルニエール島の伝説 (The Legend of L'Ile Derniere)」   1.情景描写:地理,自然と風物   2.デニエール嶋の記述,災害(ハリケーン)の記述   3.ブルターニュの伝説 Voice of the Sea is never one voice, but a tumult of many voices--voices of drowned men,--the muttering of multitudinous dead,--the moaning of innumerable ghosts, all rising, to rage against the living, at the great Witch call of storms....   4.海の描写,魚の描写   5.高波の描写:ハリケーン   6.客船「スター号」の難破   7.難破船の掠奪  「海の猛威を逃れて (Out of the Sea's Strength)」   1.現在の情景描写   2.フェリユーとカルメン夫婦   3.チタ発見   4.チタの身元照会   5.チタは誰か?クレオール問答   6.チタの身元判明   7.生きていたジュリアン・ラ・ブリエール   8.ジュリアンの回想  「潮の影 (The Shadow of the Tide)」   1.信心深い養母カルメン,チタと名付けられる   2.チタの成長   3.ニューオリンズのペスト禍   4.ジュリアンの往診,ヘンリー・エドワーズの死   5.ジュリアンと娘との再会   6.ジュリアンの死 チタの髪の描写  1)チタ発見の手ががり More dead? Yes--but something too that lives and moves, like a quivering speck of gold; and Mateo also perceives it, a gleam of bright hair,--and Miguel likewise, after a moment's gazing. A living child;--a lifeless mother. Pobrecita! No boat within reach, and only a mighty surf-wrestler could hope to swim thither and return! How fast the dead woman clings, as if with the one power which is strong as death,--the desperate force of love! Not in vain; for the frail creature bound to the mother's corpse with a silken scarf has still the strength to cry out:--"Maman! maman!" But time is life now; and the tiny hands must be pulled away from the fair dead neck, and the scarf taken to bind the infant firmly to Feliu's broad shoulders,--quickly, roughly; for the ebb will not wait ...  2)チタの金髪 Standing in a lighted space, with one tiny hand enveloped by the captain's great brown fist, she looked so lovely that a general exclamation of surprise went up. Her bright hair, loose and steeped in the sun-flame, illuminated her like a halo; and her large dark eyes, gentle and melancholy as a deer's, watched the strange faces before her with shy curiosity.  3)チタの身元捜し --"Gentlemen," said Captain Harris,--"we can find no clew to the identity of this child. There is no mark upon her clothing; and she wore nothing in the shape of jewelry--except this string of coral beads. We are nearly all Americans here; and she does not speak any English ... Does any one here know anything about her?"  4)クレオール問答 --"Fais moin bo, piti." She pouted up her pretty lips and kissed his black moustache. He spoke to her again:-- --"Dis moin to nom, piti;--dis moin to nom, chere." Then, for the first time, she spoke, answering in her argent treble: --"Zouzoune." All held their breath. Captain Harris lifted his finger to his lips to command silence. --"Zouzoune? Zouzoune qui, chere?" --"Zouzoune, a c'est moin, Lili!" --"C'est pas tout to nom, Lili;--dis moin, chere, to laut nom." --"Mo pas connin laut nom." --"Comment ye te pele to maman, piti?" --"Maman,--Maman 'Dele." --"Et comment ye te pele to papa, chere?" --"Papa Zulien." --"Bon! Et comment to maman te pele to papa?--dis ca a moin, chere?" The child looked down, put a finger in her mouth, thought a moment, and replied:-- --"Li pele li, 'Cheri'; li pele li, 'Papoute.'" --"Aie, aie!--c'est tout, ca?--to maman te jamain pele li daut' chose?" --"Mo pas connin, moin." She began to play with some trinkets attached to his watch chain;--a very small gold compass especially impressed her fancy by the trembling and flashing of its tiny needle, and she murmured, coaxingly:-- --"Mo oule ca! Donnin ca a moin." He took all possible advantage of the situation, and replied at once:-- --"Oui! mo va donnin toi ca si to di moin to laut nom." The splendid bribe evidently impressed her greatly; for tears rose to the brown eyes as she answered: --"Mo pas capab di' ca;--mo pas capab di' laut nom ... Mo oule; mo pas capab!"  5)チタと同じ金髪の少女の死骸 ... Almost at the same hour that Laroussel was questioning the child in Creole patois, another expedition, searching for bodies along the coast, discovered on the beach of a low islet famed as a haunt of pelicans, the corpse of a child. Some locks of bright hair still adhering to the skull, a string of red beads, a white muslin dress, a handkerchief broidered with the initials "A.L.B.,"--were secured as clews; and the little body was interred where it had been found.  6)チタの母と思われる死骸ーアデル And, several days before, Captain Hotard, of the relief-boat Estelle Brousseaux, had found, drifting in the open Gulf (latitude 26 degrees 43 minutes; longitude 88 degrees 17 minutes),--the corpse of a fair-haired woman, clinging to a table. The body was disfigured beyond recognition: even the slender bones of the hands had been stripped by the nibs of the sea-birds-except one finger, the third of the left, which seemed to have been protected by a ring of gold, as by a charm. Graven within the plain yellow circlet was a date,--"JUILLET--1851"; and the names,--"ADELE + JULIEN,"--separated by a cross. The Estelle carried coffins that day: most of them were already full; but there was one for Adele.  7)アデルの死骸はニューオリンズに運ばれ,夫ジュリアン,娘ユーラリとともに墓碑銘に刻まれる Aussi a la memoire de son mari; JULIEN RAYMOND LA BRIERRE, ne a la paroisse St. Landry, le 29 Mai; MDCCCXXVIII; et de leur fille, EULALIE, agee de 4 as et 5 mois,-- Qui tous perirent dans la grande tempete qui balaya L'Ile Derniere, le 10 Aout, MDCCCLVI ..... + ..... Priez pour eux!  8)チタと養母カルメンとの会話 --"Madrecita Carmen," she asked, "is my mamma dead?" --"Pobrecita! .... Yes, my angel. God called her to Him,--your darling mother." --"Madrecita," she asked again,--her young eyes growing vast with horror,--"is my own mamma now like That?" ... She pointed toward the place of the white gleam, behind the great trees. --"No, no, no! my darling!" cried Carmen, appalled herself by the ghastly question,--"your mamma is with the dear, good, loving God, who lives in the beautiful sky, above the clouds, my darling, beyond the sun!" But Carmen's kind eyes were full of tears; and the child read their meaning. He who teareth off the Mask of the Flesh had looked into her face one unutterable moment:--she had seen the brutal Truth, naked to the bone!  9)実の父ジュリアンとの再会の時のチタ A light rustling sound approached,--a sound of quick feet treading the grass: then a shadow slanted over the threshold. In the glow of the open doorway stood a young girl,--gracile, tall,--with singularly splendid eyes,--brown eyes peeping at him from beneath a golden riot of loose hair. --"M'sieu-le-Docteur, maman d'mande si vous n'avez besoin d'que'que chose?" ... She spoke the rude French of the fishing villages, where the language lives chiefly as a baragouin, mingled often with words and forms belonging to many other tongues. She wore a loose-falling dress of some light stuff, steel gray in color;--boys' shoes were on her feet.  10)ジュリアンの煩悶 His voice had risen to a cry in his throat, quivered and swelled one passionate instant, and failed--as in a dream when one strives to call, and yet can only moan ... She! Her unforgotten eyes, her brows, her lips!--the oval of her face!--the dawn-light of her hair! ... Adele's own poise,--her own grace!--even the very turn of her neck, even the bird-tone of her speech! ... Had the grave sent forth a Shadow to haunt him?--could the perfidious Sea have yielded up its dead? For one terrible fraction of a minute, memories, doubts, fears, mad fancies, went pulsing through his brain with a rush like the rhythmic throbbing of an electric stream;--then the shock passed, the Reason spoke:--"Fool!--count the long years since you first saw her thus!--count the years that have gone since you looked upon her last! And Time has never halted, silly heart!--neither has Death stood still!"  11)名前を聞く,名前を名乗る Tell me, darling, your name; ... tell me who you are?" (Dis-moi qui tu es, mignonne;--dis-moi ton nom.) ... Who was it had asked her the same question, in another idiom ever so long ago? The man with the black eyes and nose like an eagle's beak,--the one who gave her the compass. Not this man--no! She answered, with the timid gravity of surprise:-- --"Chita Viosca" He still watched her face, and repeated the name slowly,--reiterated it in a tone of wonderment:--"Chita Viosca?--Chita Viosca!" --"C'est a dire ..." she said, looking down at her feet,--"Concha--Conchita." His strange solemnity made her smile,--the smile of shyness that knows not what else to do. But it was the smile of dead Adele.  12)ジュリアン,チタの首筋にほくろ発見 But as she turned in going, his piercing eye discerned a little brown speck below the pretty lobe of her right ear,--just in the peachy curve between neck and cheek.... His own little Zouzoune had a birthmark like that!--he remembered the faint pink trace left by his fingers above and below it the day he had slapped her for overturning his ink bottle ... "To laimin moin?--to batte moin!"  13)金髪をめぐるジュリアンの類推 Still--there were so many coincidences! The face, the smile, the eyes, the voice, the whole charm;- then that mark,--and the fair hair. Zouzoune had always resembled Adele so strangely! That golden hair was a Scandinavian bequest to the Florane family;--the tall daughter of a Norwegian sea captain had once become the wife of a Florane. Viosca?--who ever knew a Viosca with such hair? Yet again, these Spanish emigrants sometimes married blonde German girls ... Might be a case of atavism, too. Who was this Viosca? If that was his wife,--the little brown Carmen,--whence Chita's sunny hair? ... 大自然の猛威ー海,水による災害,ハリケーン,津波 水の傍らにあったハーンの生涯ーレフカダ,ニューオリンズ,マルチニーク,松江,焼津 海水浴, Recording, oral, 中島淑恵(富山大学人文学部教授)が,これまでの研究成果を踏まえ,Lafcadio Hearn=ラフカディオ・ハーン=小泉八雲に関する様々を語る(第3回目) これは,当日,会場でICレコーダを用いて収録したMP3形式の音声ファイル, 日時:2018年6月27日(水)13:00~14:30 場所:富山大学附属図書館5階ヘルン文庫}, title = {へるんトーク第3回(音声ファイル)}, year = {} }