@misc{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016077, author = {中島, 淑恵}, month = {2018-05-30, 2018-06-07, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26, 2019-03-26}, note = {application/mp3, テーマ:黒い髪の女 :ファム・ファタルかファム・イデアルか? 0. はじめに ・ファム・ファタル (femme fatale) とは?   宿命の女   つれなき美女 (Dame sans merci)  カルメン(プロスペル・メリメ)1845年  オペラ(ビゼー)1875年  マノン・レスコー(アベ・プレヴォー)1731年  オペラ(プッチーニ)1843年  サロメ(オスカー・ワイルド)1893年  楽劇(リヒャルト・シュトラウス)1905年  ナオミ(谷崎潤一郎『痴人の愛』)1924年  ファム・イデアル (famme idéale)  理想の女  髪を解いた女  帽子をかぶっていない女 【参考】  与謝野晶子『みだれ髪』(1901年)  表紙  装丁デザイン:藤島武二 1. 黒い髪の女 (Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan 2) Some pale broad paved place--perhaps the thought of a temple court-- tinted by a faint sun; and before me a woman, neither young nor old, seated at the base of a great grey pedestal that supported I know not what, for I could look only at the woman's face. Awhile I thought that I remembered her--a woman of Izumo; then she seemed a weirdness. Her lips were moving, but her eyes remained closed, and I could not choose but look at her. And in a voice that seemed to come thin through distance of years she began a soft wailing chant; and, as I listened, vague memories came to me of a Celtic lullaby. And as she sang, she loosed with one hand her long black hair, till it fell coiling upon the stones. And, having fallen, it was no longer black, but blue--pale day-blue--and was moving sinuously, crawling with swift blue ripplings to and fro. And then, suddenly, I became aware that the ripplings were far, very far away, and that the woman was gone. There was only the sea, blue-billowing to the verge of heaven, with long slow flashings of soundless surf. 2. 雪おんな (Kwaidan) The door of the hut had been forced open; and, by the snow-light (yuki-akari), he saw a woman in the room,--a woman all in white.[...]until her face almost touched him; and he saw that she was very beautiful,--though her eyes made him afraid. She was a tall, slim girl, very good-looking; and she answered Minokichi's greeting in a voice as pleasant to the ear as the voice of a song-bird.[...]Minokichi soon felt charmed by this strange girl; and the more that he looked at her, the handsomer she appeared to be. Most of the peasant-women age early; but O-Yuki, even after having become the mother of ten children, looked as young and fresh as on the day when she had first come to the village. "I then saw somebody as beautiful and white as you are now--indeed, she was very like you."... ...the White Woman that had stooped above him, smiling and whispering "Asleep or awake, that was the only time that I saw a being as beautiful as you. Of course, she was not a human being; and I was afraid of her,--very much afraid,--but she was so white!... Indeed, I have never been sure whether it was a dream that I saw, or the Woman of the Snow."... 3. 青柳 (Kwaidan) Tomotada had observed, with astonishment, that she was extremely beautiful,--though her attire was of the most wretched kind, and her long, loose hair in disorder. He wondered that so handsome a girl should be living in such a miserable and lonesome place. She was now reclad, in a rough but cleanly robe of homespun; and her long, loose hair had been neatly combed and smoothed. As she bent forward to fill his cup, Tomotada was amazed to perceive that she was incomparably more beautiful than any woman whom he had ever before seen; 4. 女の髪 (Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan 2) THE hair of the younger daughter of the family is very long; and it is a spectacle of no small interest to see it dressed. It is dressed once in every three days; and the operation, which costs four sen, is acknowledged to require one hour. As a matter of fact it requires nearly two. The myth of Medusa has many a counterpart in Japanese folk-lore: the subject of such tales being always some wondrously beautiful girl, whose hair turns to snakes only at night; and who is discovered at last to be either a dragon or a dragon's daughter. But in ancient times it was believed that the hair of any young woman might, under certain trying circumstances, change into serpents. For instance: under the influence of long-repressed jealousy. Ghosts, nevertheless, are represented with hair loose and long, falling weirdly over the face. And no doubt because of the melancholy suggestiveness of its drooping branches, the willow is believed to be the favourite tree of ghosts. Thereunder, 'tis said, they mourn in the night, mingling their shadowy hair with the long dishevelled tresses of the tree. 5. 髪の中の半球:ボードレール Un hémisphère dans une Chevelure Laisse-moi respirer longtemps, longtemps, l’odeur de tes cheveux, y plonger tout mon visage, comme un homme altéré dans l’eau d’une source, et les agiter avec ma main comme un mouchoir odorant, pour secouer des souvenirs dans l’air. Si tu pouvais savoir tout ce que je vois ! tout ce que je sens ! tout ce que j’entends dans tes cheveux ! Mon âme voyage sur le parfum comme l’âme des autres hommes sur la musique. Tes cheveux contiennent tout un rêve, plein de voilures et de mâtures ; ils contiennent de grandes mers dont les moussons me portent vers de charmants climats, où l’espace est plus bleu et plus profond, où l’atmosphère est parfumée par les fruits, par les feuilles et par la peau humaine. Dans l’océan de ta chevelure, j’entrevois un port fourmillant de chants mélancoliques, d’hommes vigoureux de toutes nations et de navires de toutes formes découpant leurs architectures fines et compliquées sur un ciel immense où se prélasse l’éternelle chaleur. Dans les caresses de ta chevelure, je retrouve les langueurs des longues heures passées sur un divan, dans la chambre d’un beau navire, bercées par le roulis imperceptible du port, entre les pots de fleurs et les gargoulettes rafraîchissantes. Dans l’ardent foyer de ta chevelure, je respire l’odeur du tabac mêlé à l’opium et au sucre ; dans la nuit de ta chevelure, je vois resplendir l’infini de l’azur tropical ; sur les rivages duvetés de ta chevelure je m’enivre des odeurs combinées du goudron, du musc et de l’huile de coco. Laisse-moi mordre longtemps tes tresses lourdes et noires. Quand je mordille tes cheveux élastiques et rebelles, il me semble que je mange des souvenirs. (Poème publié en 1962 dans le recueil Le Spleen de Paris).  ラフカディオ・ハーンによる「髪の中の半球」の英訳  1883年12月31日付『タイムズ・デモクラット (Times Democrat)』紙掲載  「ボードレールからの断片 (Fragments from Baudelaire)」 A Hemisphere in a Woman's Hair Ah! let me long, long breathe the odor of thy hair; let me plunge my whole face into the rippling of thy locks, even as a thirsty man plunges his face into the waters of a spring. Let me shake thy tresses with my hand, as one shakes a perfumed handkerchief, as one memories from them into the air around me. If thou couldst know all that I see — all that I feel — all that I hear in thy hair! My soul travels upon perfume as the souls of other men travel upon music. Thy tresses contain a whole dream — a dream full of sails and of masts; — they contain vast seas, whose monsoons bear me to charming climates, where Space is bluer and deeper, — where the atmosphere is perfumed by fruits and foliage and human skin. I behold in thy hair glimpses of a far port replete with sounds of melancholy chant, —swarming with strong men of all nations, thronged with ships of all forms casting sharply the outlines of their delicate and intricate architecture against an immense sky where the eternal heat displays the pomp of its splendors. In the caresses of thy hair, I find again in the languor of long hours spent upon a divan, — in the chamber of a beautiful ship, — soothed by the imperceptible rolling of the vessel, among vases of flowers and pitchers filled with cooling drinks. In the glowing atmosphere of thy hair I inhale the scent of tobacco, mingled with odors of opium and sugar; — in the night of thy hair I behold the splendid infinite of the tropical azure; — upon the downy banks of thy hair, I intoxicate myself with the blended odors of tar, of musk, and of coconut oil. Let me long bite thy heavy hair and sable tresses. When I nipple thy wild and elastic hair, it seems to me that I am eating memories.  ヘルン文庫におけるボードレールの著作:[1405],[1406], [1407] ※[1405]などの番号は, 『富山大学附属図書館所蔵ヘルン(小泉八雲)(ラフカディオ・ハーン)文庫目録 : 改訂版(稿)』 http://hdl.handle.net/10110/10600 及び 『Catalogue of the Lafcadio Hearn Library in the Toyama High School』 http://hdl.handle.net/10110/79 にある書架番号(このページ下方の「関係URI」のリンクをご利用ください) シャルル・ボードレール (1821-1867) 『悪の華』1857年初版出版,1861年第2版出版 『小散文詩集(パリの憂鬱)』1869年死後出版, Recording, oral, 中島淑恵(富山大学人文学部教授)が,これまでの研究成果を踏まえ,Lafcadio Hearn=ラフカディオ・ハーン=小泉八雲に関する様々を語る(第2回目) これは,当日,会場でICレコーダを用いて収録したMP3形式の音声ファイル, 日時:2018年5月30日(水)13:00~14:30 場所:富山大学附属図書館5階ヘルン文庫}, title = {へるんトーク第2回(音声ファイル)}, year = {} }