@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016015, author = {伊東, 多佳子}, journal = {GEIBUN : 富山大学芸術文化学部紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Art and Design University of Toyama}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, a leading American feminist performance, conceptual, installation and environmental artist is a one of the pioneers to broaden boundaries of art, by her ‘Maintenance Art’ as changing ‘work’ into ‘ work of art’, and everyday into art. She has been addressing exclusively about urban waste problem, one of the critical urban environmental issues of our time, in the very unique position as ‘ an artist in residence’ with the New York City Department of Sanitation since 1977.  In this paper, making a brief review of her Maintenance Art from 1960’s, I will account for how it connected with maintenance of urban environment and became a new form of environmental art as social practice, and examine a recent environmental public art project of Ukeles, Landing at Freshkills Park, Staten Island, NYC, former Fresh Kills Landfill and the landfill reclamation site, in term of contemporary natural environment, urban ecosystem and urban ecology., Article, GEIBUN : 富山大学芸術文化学部紀要, 12号, 2018.02.28, Page 86-97}, pages = {86--97}, title = {革命の後、月曜の朝に誰がゴミを拾いに行くのか?*1 ―ミアレ・レイダーマン・ユケレースの《ランディング》をめぐって―}, volume = {12}, year = {2018} }