@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015768, author = {Wang, Zhigang and Tang, Shuhan and Ma, Chaomei and Toyooka, Naoki and Kida, Hiroaki and Kawasaki, Masasi and Hattori, Masao}, issue = {2}, journal = {Journal of Traditional Medicines, Journal of Traditional Medicines}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, Wistar ラットを用いて伝統医療に用いられるスウェルチア植物の主成分である swertiamarin (1) の代謝研究をおこなった。 swertiamarin (1) を経口投与後, ラットの血漿を液体クロマトグラフィー/イオントラップマススペクトロメトリー法で分析し, 新規代謝物(R)-gentianol (4a)-gentianol (4b), 及び既知代謝物 gentianine (2) を同定した。 これら全ては窒素を含む代謝物であり, 代謝物の構造は, swertiamarin (1) から合成した標準化合物との HPLC での保持時間, MS, MS/MS スペクトルの直接比較により決定した。 (S)-gentianol (4b) を, gentianine (2) から得た gentianone (3) の立体選択的還元反応により合成し, その絶対立体配置を新モッシャー法により確定した。, We investigated the metabolic fate of swertiamarin (1) in Wistar rats. Swertiamarin (1) is a principal component of Swertia herbs used in traditional medicine. Liquid chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry detected new metabolites (R)-gentianol (4a) and (S)-gentianol (4b) in rat plasma, together with the known metabolite gentianine (2), all of which contained nitrogen. The structures of the metabolites were identified by comparing the retention times, as well as MS and MS/MS spectra with those of authentic compounds, which were synthesized from swertiamarin (1). We prepared (S)-gentianol (4b) by stereoselective reduction from gentianone (3) which is a new oxidation product of gentianine (2), and the absolute configuration was unequivocally determined using an improved Mosher's method., Article, Journal of Traditional Medicines 25(2), 29-34.(2008)}, pages = {29--34}, title = {Determination of novel nitrogen-containing metabolites after oral administration of swertiamarin to rats}, volume = {25}, year = {2008} }