@article{oai:toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014129, author = {孫, 珠煕 and 馬場, 弘朗}, issue = {1}, journal = {富山大学人間発達科学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Human Development University of Toyama}, month = {Oct}, note = {This study used printed questionnaires to survey university students(n=348)to understand the impact of young people's values on their fashion behavior. Its findings showed that when self-reporting their jacket size, about 60% of males reported wearing size L or larger, while about 30% of females reported wearing size L or larger. There were few statistically significant differences by gender on assessed average scores for value items, and the three factors of I. Assertiveness/Self-esteem, II. Need for Approval, and III. Negativity/Fatigue were identified. Statistically significant differences by gender were apparent for many fashion behavior items. Structural equation models having strong fit were identified for both values and fashion behavior. Young persons who were more assertive and had more need for approval in analysis by value type(four clusters)tended to be more assertive in their self-expression through fashion behavior. On the other hand, many of the young people were passive in their values and uninterested in fashion behavior. These findings suggest that young people can develop assertive values by being given opportunities to take an interest in how they dress., 本研究では,今日の激しい変化の時代の渦中にある若者の多様な価値観の全体像を明らかにし,価値観の類型化によってファッション行動の違いを探り,現在の若者のファッション行動にどんな特徴が出るのかを明らかにすることを目的とする。本研究により現代の若者の価値観とファッション行動,経済状況,余裕時間,体型サイズのそれぞれを明らかにすることで,富山県のアパレルブランドにおいて,現代の若者の多様なニーズの把握や商品の品揃え計画に参考となることを期待する。, Article, 富山大学人間発達科学部紀要, 11巻1号, 2016.10.25, Page 157-174}, pages = {157--174}, title = {若者の価値観が被服行動に及ぼす影響 : 構造方程式モデリングによる検討}, volume = {11}, year = {2016} }